Monday, September 28, 2009

Loved today!

Today was awesome! I was exhausted yesterday after a great wedding on Saturday, so I slept most of the day away- had just a bit of pesto chicken and spaghetti for dinner and a yogurt for lunch- such is life when you're sleep!

Anyway, for today's breakfast:
1. I had a grapefruit. I think I really feel better with having something (low calorie/metabolism booster) in my breakfast.
2. OJ- I feel a bit of a cold coming on, and I know it's not good, but I wanted a little extra vitamin C!

For lunch:MMMM
1. I had a great 1/2 sandwich and 1/2 salad at one of my favorite local restaurants.
2. 3 Glasses of water. I usually take Healthy Trim right before I get my meal, it keeps me full the rest of the afternoon. Then I make sure that for every few bites I have a sip of water or two. I usually fill up before the meal is over.

How was your lunch today?

I'm off to cook a healthy dinner! I'll be back to share another of my lower carb dinner ideas!


  1. Do you count your calories? and if so how many calories to you usually eat per day?

  2. Hi Allabunchofjs!

    Yes, I do count calories in a general way. Not to the exact number, but to a number +/- 25. I try to eat around 1500-1800 calories a day (600 or so at lunch and 1200 at dinner)

    If you go back a few posts, I share the counter information I use:)
