Sunday, July 12, 2009

Day 2 Recap

Well today was great! I got to wake up late and relax a little in the morning. I'm a wedding planner and I need my energy through out the day. I was worried that by not eating, I wouldn't be able to function. But I still pretty much followed the diet plan:

8:00a Wake up, took Healthy Trim #1
8-12:00p I drank as much water as humanly possible (like 5 glasses, I was really thirsty this morning!)
12:oop I finally actually felt a little hungry, which I personally think is a good thing, so I took Healthy Trim #2 for the day heated up some left over pork, a few teaspoons of apple sauce and a yogurt. That was enough to tide me over for quite a while.
2:00p It was time for work to begin for the day, so I packed up my car with tons of bottled water.
9:00p My normal dinner time on wedding days, it was a nice chicken breast and steamed veggies. I also had a few bites of pasta salad, but that was enough for the day.
2:00a I finally got home, so it was nice to get a cold water, and a little midnight snack of 2 snackwells cookies (total of about 50 cal)

How did I feel throughout the day?
-Well rested, I didn't miss out on any sleep because of the caffeine and other stimulants in the capsules
-A bit jittery around 7, not antsy this time, but feeling like I needed water. And that was enough to tide me over.
-Not tired at all. I usually feel exhausted when I get home from a long wedding, but today I felt like I could keep going- a VERY nice change:)

So far I'm still really happy about the opportunity to lose weight, and about the way this is making me feel.

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